Navy Day in Chile, known as Día de las Glorias Navales, is an annual public holiday celebrated on May 21. This significant day was established in honor of the courageous naval victory during the Battle of Iquique on May 21, 1879, during the War of the Pacific. The day is not only recognized to appreciate the event but also to commemorate the brave actions of Captain Arturo Prat and his crew.
The primary celebrations of Navy Day occur in Valparaíso, where the Chilean Navy headquarters are located. The day is typically marked by grand military parades, musical performances, and public speeches. Each year, a naval procession takes place; ships beautifully adorned with festive decorations glide through the waters as spectators along the harbour cheer in tribute and respect to the naval forces. The Chilean President also attends the event, paying tribute to those who sacrificed their lives for the country at the Monument of Heroes.
Besides the grand solemnities at the naval base, Navy Day is a day of patriotic fervor throughout the country. Schoolchildren learn about the historic significance of the Battle of Iquique and the heroic deeds of Captain Arturo Prat. Television and radio stations broadcast programs dedicated to Chile's naval history, recounting the valor, determination, and sacrifice of their naval forces. This holiday, therefore, serves both as a proud remembrance of a critical victory and as a tribute to the continuing role of the Navy in protecting Chilean sovereignty.