New Year's Day, also known as Jour de l'An, is a public holiday in Burkina Faso as in many other countries around the world. Celebrations heralding the start of a new calendar year occur on January 1st annually. It is a time for Burkinese, the people of Burkina Faso, to spend quality moments with family and friends, reflecting on the past year and expressing hope and good wishes for the coming one.

While New Year's Day is a universal holiday, each country and culture has its unique way of celebrating it. In Burkina Faso, the day is usually marked by communal feasting, traditional music, and dance performances in various cities and villages throughout the country. Being one of the culturally vibrant countries in Africa, Burkina Faso witnesses various traditional ceremonies and events held on this day. Traditional masks and costumes often play a significant role in these celebrations.

Moreover, New Year's Day is a time of gift-giving in Burkina Faso. People exchange presents as a way of expressing their love and best wishes for their loved ones. The holiday is also often used as a time to pay homage to ancestors, and it is not uncommon for people to visit graveyards and leave offerings. Despite the significant financial challenges the country faces, the spirit of the New Year is always met with optimism and joy by the Burkinese.