New Year's Day, known as 'Año Nuevo' in El Salvador, is the first day of the calendar year and is celebrated on January 1st. This national holiday signifies the start of a new year according to the Gregorian calendar. People in El Salvador, like many others worldwide, bid farewell to the former year and embrace the new one with great zeal and anticipation. It is a day filled with joy and happiness, as it symbolizes new beginnings and hope for the coming year.

Festivities of New Year's Day in El Salvador usually start the night before, on New Year's Eve. Salvadoran families gather together for a special meal, which often includes traditional dishes like tamales and panes con pollo. Staying up until midnight is a common tradition, with the apex of celebrations marked by fireworks, music, and the ringing of bells. When the clock strikes twelve, people cheer, make noise, hug and wish each other a happy new year.

Another important part of the New Year's Day celebration in El Salvador is making resolutions for the new year. Many Salvadorans take the opportunity to set personal goals or promises, hoping to improve their lives in the coming year. It's also common for people to attend church services on New Year's Day to thank God for the blessings of the past year and to ask for guidance and protection in the new year. Finally, the day is usually ended with family gatherings and shared meals, encapsulating the close-knit nature of Salvadoran communities.