New Year's Day, the first day of the Gregorian calendar, is celebrated in Qatar like in many other countries around the world on January 1. Widely recognized as a public holiday, New Year's Day marks the end of one year and the beginning of another. While Qatar has its own Hijri Islamic calendar, it also recognizes the Western Gregorian calendar widely used for international purposes.

Celebrations on New Year's Eve in Qatar are grand and vibrant, filled with an array of mesmerizing fireworks, luxury parties, and dynamic events. Most people spend time with loved ones, dine out in fancy restaurants, or join festive events held in city squares or shopping malls. The skyline of Doha, Qatar’s capital city, is often lit up impressively during the midnight countdown towards the New Year.

However, the celebration in Qatar is unique as it’s a blend of Western traditions and Islamic culture. While many expats and tourists engage in countdowns and parties, it's also not uncommon for the locals to visit mosques for prayers. Yet, despite the cultural and spiritual differences, the unified theme of the New Year's Day in Qatar is reflecting upon the past year and looking forward with hope and enthusiasm for the new one.