New Year's Day, also known as simply New Year, is the first day of the year on the Gregorian calendar, observed on January 1 each year. It is a prominent holiday in Tajikistan and is celebrated widely across the country with joy and excitement. This day marks the conclusion of the past year and the beginning of a fresh new year. It is a public holiday, officially recognized by the Tajikistan government, meaning offices, schools, and most businesses are closed.
The observation of the New Year in Tajikistan is filled with traditions. Tajik people usually start preparations for New Year's Day a few weeks prior to the day. Homes are thoroughly cleaned and beautifully decorated with New Year ornaments and lights. Special dishes, including traditional Tajik food, are prepared for the holiday meal. People dress in their new or best clothes, and the occasion is celebrated with family members and friends gathered together to exchange gifts and wishes.
One important stape of New Year's Day in Tajikistan involves setting the New Year’s table, known as 'Haft Seen'. This table is prepared with seven items that start with the letter 'S' in the Tajik language, each symbolizing a special virtue such as wisdom, love, or patience. Fireworks and open-air concerts are also common features of the celebration. As the clock strikes midnight, the president delivers a speech to greet the nation, a tradition followed by many other countries too. It's a day that ushers in hopes and plans for a new and better year.