New Year's Day is one of the most celebrated public holidays in Turkmenistan. This holiday symbolizes the fresh start of a new year in the Gregorian calendar, which is used in Turkmenistan among many other countries in the world. The holiday is celebrated on the 1st of January and marks the end of the New Year's Eve celebrations.
In Turkmenistan, New Year's Day is a time for families and friends to come together and celebrate. The day is filled with festivities and traditions including decorating their homes with lights and ornaments, giving gifts to each other, and preparing a feast to be shared among loved ones. It’s also a popular tradition to have concerts in the main squares of the cities, and the President also gives a speech, all these practices uniting the Turkmenistan community in a cheerful spirit.
The people of Turkmenistan often spend New Year's Day reflecting on the past year and making plans and resolutions for the year ahead. They believe that how you celebrate the New Year has a direct effect on your fortunes for the upcoming year. Therefore, everyone strives to participate in the festivities and welcomes the New Year with positivity and joy, to attract good fortune. Despite it being a winter season with freezing temperatures, the warmth of joyous celebration is evident on this wonderful day.