Peasants Day is a national holiday in Myanmar (Burma) that recognizes and celebrates the contribution of farmers to the nation's economy. Celebrated annually on the 2nd of March, this important event is designed to honour the agricultural workers who form the backbone of Myanmar's economy. Since the majority of the population of Myanmar is involved in agriculture, this holiday holds a vital significance to its people.

The agricultural sector is the mainstay of Myanmar's economy, and the nation's inhabitants largely depend on farming for their livelihood. In consciousness of the invaluable role the farming community plays in providing sustenance and ensuring food security, the government of Myanmar designates this day to laud its agricultural stalwarts. On this day, the farming community is acknowledged for their hard work throughout the year and for their sacrifices in producing the staple crops of the country.

Although it's not celebrated with as much pomp as other holidays in Myanmar, Peasants Day is given due respect and admiration by the populace. Various small-scale events, discussions, and meetings involving the agricultural industry occur on this day, focusing on farmers' rights and the challenges they face. Above all, it is a day to reflect on the importance and promise of agriculture for Myanmar's present and future, reinforcing the bond between the farmers and the land they cultivate.