Piauí State Day is an important public holiday in Brazil, particularly in the northeastern state of Piauí. This day is celebrated annually on the 19th of October. The date commemorates the battle of Jenipapo, which was a crucial conflict in the process of Brazilian independence from Portugal.

Despite taking place in the early 19th century, the Battle of Jenipapo and the bravery of the Piauí people have never been forgotten. Many of the combatants in the battle were not professional soldiers, but ordinary citizens who felt a strong desire for freedom. This narrative of civic involvement and sacrifice is a key element of the holiday's observation. Parades, concerts, and cultural exhibits are often held as part of the commemoration.

Today Piauí State Day remains an emblem of the resistance and courage shown in the quest for Brazil's independence. The day is seen not only as a tribute to Piauí's past, but also as a celebration of its present and future. It's a day of great patriotism, an opportunity for the people of Piauí to express their pride for their state and their country.