In Botswana, President's Day is observed annually during the third weekend of July. This public holiday is a unique celebration that commemorates the present and former heads of state. It is one of the few countries in the world that sets aside two days as a public holiday to pay respect to the nation's leaders.

This special occasion is characterized by local cultural performances and traditional events happening across the nation. Many Batswana take advantage of the long holiday to travel to their home villages, spending time with their families and showing their respect to their traditional leaders. It's a time for reflecting on the achievements of the country and the progress made under the presidents' leaderships.

In many parts of Botswana, locals participate in traditional existing customs and rituals during President's Day. Dikgafela, a harvest festival, is common during this time. The day is also marked by public addresses delivered by the current president, focusing on the country's accomplishments and future plans. These activities have become part of the fabric of Batswana culture, making President's Day a particularly meaningful and patriotic holiday.