Prince Louis Rwagasore Day is a public holiday in the East African Republic of Burundi, celebrated annually on October 13th. This pivotal day marks the observance of the death of Burundi's beloved leader, Prince Louis Rwagasore, an iconic figure who fought for Burundi's independence from Belgium. Prince Louis Rwagasore was a visionary who worked tirelessly for unity, harmony, and prosperity in a diverse society.

After being elected Prime Minister, Prince Louis Rwagasore was assassinated on October 13, 1961, shortly before Burundi achieved full independence. His death was a massive blow to Burundi's transition to democracy, but his visions and ideals lived on. Today, Rwagasore's death anniversary is observed as a national holiday to honor and remember his bold vision for a united and democratic Burundi.

On Prince Louis Rwagasore Day, the country of Burundi takes time to reflect on his life and the noble cause he championed, and strives to realize his vision for a harmonious society. The day sees various state-led ceremonies along with public gatherings and cultural events across the country. It's a day of remembrance and dedication to the continuing efforts to achieve peace, unity, and prosperity, ideals that Prince Louis Rwagasore so passionately espoused.