In Croatia, Saint Stephen's Day is celebrated with much joy and reverence given its important religious significance. Observed every year on the 26th of December, this holiday is dedicated to Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr who was stoned to death for his faith. As one of the public holidays following Christmas Day, it is also referred to as the Second Day of Christmas.

This holiday represents a day of rest and relaxation for many Croatians, coming right after the bustling Christmas Day. Families attend church services and spend quality time together. It is a day for reflection and giving thanks, often marked with traditional meals featuring festive treats. Croatians uphold traditions such as exchanging gifts, visiting friends, and indulging in special dinners, while some people even extend their Christmas decorations and celebrations through Saint Stephen’s Day.

Saint Stephen's Day is not only a religious observance but also holds cultural significance. Being a patron saint of stone masons, horses, and coffin makers, Saint Stephen is honored in certain local traditions associated with these fields on this day. His legacy and symbolism extend to other elements of Croatian culture as well, making this holiday a vital part of the country's rich tapestry of traditions and customs.