Saint Stephen's Day, celebrated in Monaco, is a public holiday that commemorates the life and teachings of Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr. The day falls on the 26th of December each year. This celebration, following Christmas day, has its roots in Christianity and holds significant religious and cultural importance among the Monegasque population. Monaco, being a predominantly Roman Catholic state, ardently observes this day in honor of Saint Stephen.

On Saint Stephen's Day in Monaco, churches and cathedrals light candles and conduct special services to remember the life and sacrifice of Saint Stephen, who is known for his service to the needy. The bells of the Saint Nicholas Cathedral, embellished with ornate decorations, melodiously chime creating a spiritual and serene environment. It is also customary for families to gather and pray together, and take part in community activities, strengthening their cultural and familial bonds. The day is often used to extend the joyous sentiment of Christmas, maintaining a festive spirit in the atmosphere.

Furthermore, like in many other countries that observe Saint Stephen's Day, in Monaco, it is traditional to offer gifts to the less fortunate. This is said to be inspired by Saint Stephen's own acts of charity. The day also signifies the beginning of the year-end reflections of the Monegasques. The locals express their gratitude for the blessings of the past year and make resolutions for the coming year. Overall, Saint Stephen's Day in Monaco is much more than a religious occasion; it is a day of charity, remembrance, and celebration, bringing the community together and reinforcing their cultural values and traditions.