In Latvia, the Second Day of Christmas is considered a public holiday and takes place on the 26th of December, a day after Christmas Day. The day, also known as Boxing Day in some countries, is marked by continued festive celebrations and is spent among family and friends. It is a day for people to relax and enjoy the spirit and merriment of the Christmas season in the chilly Latvian winter landscape.

The traditions of the Second Day of Christmas in Latvia are very similar to that of Christmas Day itself. Common activities include enjoying a hearty meal with loved ones, exchanging gifts, singing Christmas carols, and attending the mass at church. The extended holiday period gives people ample opportunity to partake in winter activities and snowy outdoor pursuits, which is a significant feature of a Latvian Christmas celebration.

Historically, the Second Day of Christmas in Latvia also involves traditional customs with ancient pagan roots. These include log dragging and mask processions that are believed to ward off evil spirits. This distinctive blend of Christian and pre-Christian customs results in unique traditions that are characteristic of Latvian Christmas celebrations. Regardless of how it's spent, the Second Day of Christmas is a time for Latvians to treasure their culture and indulge in the nurturing warmth of togetherness that the festive season brings.