The Second Day of Christmas, also often referred to as St. Stephen's Day, is a public holiday in Poland, that is celebrated on December 26th. This day continues the Christmas festivities and is part of the twelve days of Christmas that begin on Christmas Day itself. This day is not about extravagant celebrations, but more about spending quality time with family and friends in the warmth of their homes and enjoying the festive environment.

In Poland, the Second Day of Christmas is typically spent in quiet recuperation from the feasting and merry-making of Christmas Day. On this day, Poles often visit friends and relatives, watch traditional Polish Christmas movies or cartoons, and of course, continue to enjoy festive food. Many Poles also attend church masses on this day, and the day is often considered a time for peace, prayer, and reflection on the spiritual aspect of the Christmas season.

Furthermore, since Poland is predominantly Catholic, the Second Day of Christmas holds religious significance. It also serves as a tribute to St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr, celebrating his kindness and good deeds. The Second Day of Christmas allows more opportunities for the Polish people to express their rich traditions inherited through generations and embody the true spirit of Polish Christmas, which revolves around family, faith, reflection, and joy.