The Second Day of the Lunar New Year, otherwise known as 'Kai Nian', is a significant day in Singapore. This day is also popularly referred to as the beginning of the year because it is believed that the New Year officially kicks off on this day. Like the initial day of the New Year, it is filled with festivities and traditions which connect Asian heritage and customs that Singapore is greatly known for.

On this day, most Singaporeans visit their families and friends to show respect and strengthen their relationships. It is also common to visit temples to pay homage and seek blessings for the new year. It is widely believed that good practices on this day set the tone for the rest of the year, therefore ensuring a prosperous and successful year ahead. The Lion Dance is also a major highlight of the day; it's a traditional dance in Chinese culture which brings luck and fortune.

Feasting on traditional foods is also integral to the Second Day of Lunar New Year in Singapore. One popular dish is Yu Sheng, also known as 'prosperity toss'. This dish is made up of raw fish and shredded vegetables, and it's prepared in a way that participants toss the ingredients high in the air while saying auspicious phrases. The act of tossing represents an upward movement, symbolizing the attainment of heights, be it in studies, career, or overall life.