St. Mary's Day, known as Ziua Sfânta Maria in Romanian, is a significant public holiday in Romania. This important holiday is celebrated with much enthusiasm on the 15th of August each year. It is not merely a religious feast, but also holds a broader cultural significance. This holiday is associated with the Virgin Mary in Romanian Orthodox tradition, as well-maintained faith is a critical aspect of Romanian life.

The day begins with a church service memorializing the Virgin Mary. People come together in prayer, regardless of age or social status, reflecting the strong sense of community and spirituality found in Romania. After the service, festivals, craft fairs, concerts, and parades take place throughout the country. Additionally, in some villages, local traditions such as folk dances and costumes are also on display. Children also participate in this celebration by singing and dancing. It is indeed a vibrant feast for both locals and tourists alike.

The holiday serves an opportunity for family reunions as well. Many Romanians use this long weekend to visit their families, or go on a short vacation. It's common for families to gather around a festive meal to celebrate this special day. Moreover, St. Mary's Day marks the middle of the summer and is considered a symbol of abundance. It's believed that on this day, the heavens open and humans can make wishes that will be fulfilled. St. Mary's Day is therefore not just a religious observance, but also a festival of unity, love, and gratitude in Romania.