The Emperor's Birthday is one of the most important national holidays in Japan, celebrated on February 23rd. The holiday is held in honor of the reigning Emperor Naruhito, a respected and prominent figure in Japanese culture and society. The day is filled with various festivities and the citizens of Japan take a day off to commemorate the emperor's life and reign.

The celebration traditionally includes a public address by the Emperor himself at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. Japanese citizens and visitors from foreign countries come to the palace to witness the event. It's a rare occasion when the palace's inner grounds are open to the public, and people gather waving small Japanese flags, greeting and wishing the Emperor well in Japanese, 'banzai' style.

Despite the formal and solemn nature of this holiday, there is also a festive atmosphere. Private celebrations among family and friends are common. No specific food or drinks are associated with the holiday, but people often take advantage of their day off to enjoy a festive meal. At night, various locations throughout the country light up in celebration of the Emperor's Birthday, making it a truly nation-wide celebration.