The Prophet's Ascension, known as Isra and Mi'raj in Arabic, is one of the significant holidays in Palestine and the entire Islamic world. It marks the night when the Prophet Muhammad was miraculously transported from Mecca to Jerusalem and then ascended to the heavens. According to Islamic tradition, Muhammad journeyed from the Kaaba in Mecca to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on a mythical creature known as Buraq, making this holiday deeply tied to the Palestinian city of Jerusalem.

In Palestine, The Prophet's Ascension is a public holiday, and it is observed with great reverence and devotion. Mosques are filled with worshippers who participate in special prayers, while Islamic scholars and Imams may deliver sermons detailing the Prophet's miraculous journey and his experiences in heaven. The importance of this day lies not only in the physical journey of the Prophet but also in the spiritual lessons that Muslims draw from it, such as the value of humility and the enduring power of faith.

The Prophet's Ascension day in Palestine also carries cultural and social significance. It's not uncommon to see people exchanging gifts and preparing special dishes for this day. The youth engage in processions and streets are often adorned with lights and decorations. This holiday encompasses the miraculous aspect of Islam, symbolizes the close connection between Muslims and Jerusalem, and stands as an occasion for communal solidarity and renewed faith.