Union Day is an annual public holiday in Tanzania, celebrated on April 26th. This special day commemorates the unification of Tanganyika and Zanzibar in 1964, forming the United Republic of Tanzania. That's why the holiday is named 'Union Day'. The merger was the first of its kind in Africa, making it a significant milestone in Tanzania's history.

During Union Day, a variety of activities are observed and celebrated to mark the occasion. There are parades and sporting events as well as cultural performances showcasing Tanzania's diversity and unity. Across the country, Tanzanians partake in these festivities reflecting on the significance of this day and honor the two founding fathers, Julius Nyerere of Tanganyika and Abeid Karume of Zanzibar, who made the unification possible.

Union Day is not just about the past, but also the future. It is a time when Tanzanians think about what unity means to them and how they can strengthen their bond as a nation. Tanzanians take pride in this holiday because it represents the unification of two nations into one, showcasing their strength in unity and togetherness. It serves as a reminder for all Tanzanians that regardless of their differences, they are bound together as one nation.

Upcoming Union Day holidays in Tanzania

Union Day 2026

26 Apr 2026

Union Day 2027

26 Apr 2027