Victory Day, or 'Zafer Bayramı' as it is known in Turkey, is a national holiday primarily celebrated throughout Turkey. This auspicious occasion takes place annually on the 30th of August. The day marks the pivotal victory in the Battle of Dumlupınar which was the final battle in the Turkish War of Independence in 1922.

The day is rife with patriotic demonstrations, parades, and celebrations across the country. Turkish flags are flown across the land and portraits of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Turkish Republic who led the country to victory in the War of Independence, are displayed prominently. Military parades and ceremonies held in Turkey's capital, Ankara, as well as in Istanbul and other smaller cities. Across the country, people pay tribute to those who lost their lives for the country's independence.

The holiday serves as a vivid reminder of Turkey’s journey towards sovereignty. The date also holds historical significance as it is the day when Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was appointed as the Chief of the General Staff in the Turkish Army back in 1922. Schools hold special programs and public offices, schools, and most businesses remain closed on this day. Moreover, it is a day off for the general population, creating an opportunity for citizens to participate in festivities and express their national pride.