Victory Day, a significant holiday in Turkmenistan, is celebrated every year on May 9th. This day marks the end of the Great Patriotic War, aka World War II — a war in which Turkmenistan lost a significant portion of its population. On this day, the people of Turkmenistan commemorate their brave ancestors who fought and gave their lives for freedom and peace. Victory Day is known as a national symbol of bravery in protecting the homeland.

During the celebrations of Victory Day in Turkmenistan, various events are held throughout the country. These include military parades, fireworks, concerts, and flower-laying rituals at war memorials. Individuals also often visit war veterans, expressing their deep respect and gratitude for their sacrifices. It is a day filled with national pride, where citizens remember the strength and resilience of those who fought valiantly for their country.

Victory Day is also an opportunity to teach younger generations about the country's past. School children often engage in activities related to the war's history, and stories about the heroes are remembered and retold. While it is a day of remembrance, it is also a day of unity and togetherness. Despite the solemn nature of the holiday, there is an underlying theme of hope, freedom, and peaceful futures on this important day in Turkmenistan.

Upcoming Victory Day holidays in Turkmenistan

Victory Day 2026

09 May 2026

Victory Day 2027

09 May 2027