All Saints' Day, also known as All Hallows' Day, is a Christian holiday observed in various regions worldwide, and is celebrated in Andorra as well. Although the roots of the holiday lie in Western Christianity, its recognition has extended beyond its conventional geographical and religious domains. In Andorra, a country famous for its Roman Catholic majority, the day is marked with a public holiday and is spent in remembrance of all saints and martyrs.

Celebrated on the 1st day of November every year, All Saints' Day in Andorra entails participating in congregational prayers, visiting graves of the deceased ones, and taking part in processions. Many people also commemorate the day by lighting candles and placing flowers on the graves of their departed loved ones. In spite of this being a day of remembrance for the deceased saints, it mostly involves peaceful and serene activities; hence this day is also considered a day of quiet prayer and reflection.

Amidst its scenic beauty and landscapes, All Saints' Day in Andorra brings a unique spiritual charm that feeds into its rich cultural heritage. The observance of the holiday bears a testament to the deep-rooted Christian traditions in the small Pyrenean nation. As a spread of peace reverberates through this tiny nation on this occasion, it underscores the acclaimed Andorran spirit of unity and tranquility.