Immaculate Conception is a public holiday in Andorra that is celebrated on December 8 each year. It is a significant religious holiday that holds immense importance amongst the majority Roman Catholic population of the country. This day is dedicated to the doctrine that the Virgin Mary was conceived without Original Sin, a belief that's alive and celebrated fervently among the locals.

The holiday is marked with a variety of traditions and customs. The locals gather at churches and public squares for masses, processions, and other commemorative events. These religious gatherings usually involve hymn singing, readings from the Bible, and prayers. For Andorrans, this day is not just a religious observance but also a time for family reunions, extended feasts, and festive joy. Many shops and businesses are closed as individuals take the day to participate in the observances and spend time with family and friends.

The Immaculate Conception is also celebrated in other parts of the world, still, its significance in Andorra remains unique due to the country's strong Catholic roots. This deeply spiritual holiday reflects Andorra's cultural heritage and religious devotion. Immaculate Conception Day continues to be a pivotal observance in Andorra's annual calendar, binding communities together in faith and celebration.