All Saints' Day, known in Slovakia as 'Sviatok všetkých svätých', is a significant holiday celebrated annually on November 1. The day is dedicated to honoring all the saints of the church, known and unknown. The tradition of All Saints' Day dates back to the early Christian church as a day to remember and honor martyrs. Every year, Slovaks of all ages participate in this tradition, taking time to honor the saints who have gone before them.

In Slovakia, All Saints' Day is not just a religious observance, but also a day of remembrance for departed family members and loved ones. Many people visit and adorn graves with flowers and candles. Even those who do not visit cemeteries on the day, will often light candles at home to honor and remember their loved ones. This tradition of lighting candles is believed to guide the souls of the deceased.

In addition to these personal remembrances, All Saints' Day in Slovakia also has a community aspect. In many towns and villages throughout the country, processions are organized and people march together to their local cemeteries where they hold a communal silent vigil or prayer. Even though it's a day of remembrance and prayer, All Saints' Day is also considered an opportunity to bond with friends and family, reminding each other of the importance of cherishing each moment.