Armed Forces Day is a national holiday in Egypt that commemorates the armed forces of the nation. Celebrated each year on October 6, the day marks the beginning of the October War of 1973, when Egyptian forces launched a surprise attack against Israeli forces stationed in the Sinai Peninsula. This war is seen as a pivotal moment in Egypt's modern history, restoring national confidence after the defeat in the 1967 Six-Day War.

The celebration of Armed Forces Day in Egypt is marked by several state-sponsored events including parades, air shows, and military excursions. Many of these events are televised and are designed to showcase the strength and readiness of Egypt's military. Schools and government offices are typically closed on this day, allowing the nation to pay tribute to their military forces and the sacrifices they have made.

However, the day isn't limited to just military demonstrations. It's a day of national pride and unity. People all across the country partake in celebrating the sacrifice and bravery of those in the military service. Festivals, concerts, and public gatherings are organized to coincide with the military celebrations. Offering a time for reflection, Armed Forces Day provides Egyptians with the opportunity to commemorate their past, celebrate the present, and look forward to the nation's future.