Awal Muharram, also known as Maal Hijrah, is a national holiday in Malaysia. This holiday marks the beginning of the Islamic New Year and is celebrated on the first day of Muharram, the first month in the Islamic calendar. This celebration has significant cultural and religious value among the Muslim community throughout the nation.

Awal Muharram is based on the Hijri calendar, a lunar calendar consisting of 12 months in a year of 354 or 355 days. The holiday represents a time for Muslims to remember the history of Islam and to reflect on the Hijrah, the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. It was during this journey that the Muslim community was first established.

The observance of Awal Muharram in Malaysia varies among different regions and communities, but generally involves religious activities such as prayers, special sermons and sharing meals. Muslims also consider it a time for self-assessment, setting new goals, and making resolutions for the New Year based on the principles of Islam.