Bahia Independence Day, also known as 'Dia Dois de Julho' or simply as 'Dois de Julho', is a regional public holiday in the state of Bahia, Brazil. It occurs annually on July 2nd and celebrates the day that the province of Bahia won its independence from Portuguese colonial forces in 1823. This spirited celebration not only marks the end of colonial rule, but also signifies the contribution of the people of Bahia to Brazil's own fight for independence.

The holiday involves vibrant processions, concerts, and regional fairs, offering a wealth of cultural and historical experiences. Streets are filled with music, dance, and color as Bahians and tourists alike celebrate the event. People honor the historical figure Maria Quitéria, a national heroine who played a crucial role in the battle for independence. The pinnacle of the holiday is a grand parade that includes traditional dances, folk music, and exhibitions showcasing the rich history and culture of Bahia.

Bahia Independence Day is a significant national holiday that casts light on the unique culture of Bahia, and the role of its resilient people in shaping Brazil's history. It also provides an opportunity for residents to reflect on the journey and progress made since independence, fostering a shared sense of identity and pride among the Bahian community. Although it is primarily celebrated in Bahia, the repercussions of this vital historical event can be felt throughout the country, further emphasizing the significance of this day in the nation's calendar.