Dashain, also known as Dussehra, is the most significant and longest festival celebrated in Nepal. Marking the victory of good over evil, it is dedicated to the Goddess Durga who, according to Hindu mythology, vanquished the demon Mahishasura. During this time, both the urban and rural areas of Nepal are enlivened with festivities, color, and joy.

The fifteen-day-long festival typically occurs in September or October, depending on the lunar calendar. The celebrations include ritualistic pujas, fasting, feasting, kite-flying, and receiving Tika and Jamara from elders. Tika is a mixture of rice, yogurt, and vermilion, while Jamara is the barley shoot. Both are believed to be blessings from Durga herself.

Despite the universal theme of worship, Dashain also presents the chance to reconnect with family and to appreciate the cultural traditions of Nepal. This is the time when distant family members and relatives gather, exchange wishes, gifts, and blessings, play traditional games and enjoy traditional food. Filled with love, respect, and blessings, Dashain is a treasured time for every Nepali, regardless of their geographic location.