The Day of the Macedonian Uprising is a significant holiday celebrated annually in North Macedonia. It is observed on October 11, commemorating the start of the anti-fascist war of the Macedonian people during World War II in 1941. This holiday holds a great deal of importance as it signifies the resistance of the Macedonians against the fascist occupation during the war.

The uprising was a monumental event that sparked the quest for independence and freedom in North Macedonia. On this day, citizens pay tribute to the brave Macedonians who risked their lives to stand up against the tyranny. A number of events and ceremonies are held around the country during this holiday, including laying wreaths at monuments and delivering speeches to remember the sacrifices made by the Macedonians.

Aside from these ceremonies, the Day of the Macedonian Uprising is also a day of national pride. Many educational and cultural programs are held to increase awareness about the historical significance of the uprising. It is a public holiday in North Macedonia, which means schools, government offices and most businesses are closed. Meanwhile, citizens also celebrate privately, highlighting the freedom and independence they enjoy today thanks to the remarkable bravery of their predecessors.