Children's Day, also known as Orini nal, is a national holiday in South Korea. It's a celebrated annually on May 5th and is a significant time for families to appreciate and celebrate kids. On this day, it's typical for children across the country to be released from school, allowing them to spend time with family and participate in various fun-filled activities.

The day emanates from the belief of creating a better future by honoring children and promoting their happiness. A large number of activities and events are held, ranging from parades, parties, performances, and even personal family outings to amusement parks, zoos, and the cinema. The whole country indulges in festivities, making it a beautiful time where children are at the heart of the celebration.

The Day off for Children's Day holiday exhibits South Korea’s commitment to its children and their future. It also gives kids the feeling and recognition of importance in society. Apart from the entertainment it offers, it helps in building family bonds and instills a sense of belonging in kids. Children's Day is not just a day off for kids, but a delightful day of celebration filled with joy, love, and unity among families and the nation at large.