Democracy Day is an important public holiday in Cabo Verde, an island nation off the western coast of Africa. The holiday is observed on January 13 every year and pays tribute to the struggles of the country towards holding its first multiparty parliamentary and presidential elections. This holiday is symbolic to Cabo Verde as it commemorates the end of single-party socialist rule and the dawn of democracy in the nation.

The communally celebrated Democracy Day marks a significant page on Cabo Verde's history. The date January 13th, 1991 witnessed a peaceful transition from authoritarian rule to political pluralism, considered a major victory for the proponents of democracy and civil liberties in Cabo Verde. The first democratic elections held in early 1991 were deemed free and fair by international observers, etching the day in history, thus leading to the routine commemoration annually on this date.

Democracy Day in Cabo Verde engages a spectrum of activities that go beyond ordinary festive rituals. Events such as public speeches, processions, debates and educational activities among others are organized on this day to celebrate the democratic values and principles of Cabo Verdeans. Furthermore, the day is used as a platform to not only acknowledge the historical milestone of the nation, but also to entrench these democratic values in the younger generations, playing a vital role in safeguarding the nation’s democratic future.