Eid Milad un-Nabi, also known as the Prophet Muhammad's birthday, is a public holiday in Pakistan. Observed on the 12th day of Rabi-ul-Awwal (the third month in the Islamic calendar), the holiday is marked by festivities and celebrations commemorating the Prophet Muhammad's teachings. These celebrations frequently involve public processions, family gatherings, and a general spirit of shared communal joy, making them an important part of Pakistani societal and cultural practices.

The celebration of this holiday in Pakistan is characterized by large-scale events and communal activities. Grand processions march through the streets, with participants chanting religious songs and slogans. Homes, mosques, and even entire cities are illuminated with colorful lights, as the illumination is seen as a sign of respect and homage to the Prophet Muhammad. Special meals are cooked, and sweets are distributed among neighbors, friends, and the poor.

Moreover, the day is not just about merriments. This holiday serves as a time to remember and reflect upon the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, whose life and deeds are considered the perfect model for all Muslims. Followers are encouraged to spend time in prayer, seeking forgiveness and showing kindness to others. A practice called 'Milad' is common where stories of the Prophet’s birth, life, teachings, and final days are recited, so that the younger generation may also follow the virtuous path of the Prophet.