Flag and Independence Day is a significant national holiday in Albania, celebrated annually on November 28th. It commemorates the day Albania officially declared its independence from the Ottoman Empire, which took place on November 28th, 1912. This annual holiday is of immense importance to the people of Albania, as it signifies the birth of their modern independent nation.

The day is marked with vibrant patriotic events across the country. It is common to see the Albanian flag being hoisted in homes, businesses, and institutions. Albanians, both at home and abroad, often wear red and black - the colors of their national flag - to demonstrate their pride and honor for their homeland. There are also various cultural performances, parades and concerts featuring traditional Albanian music and dance.

Furthermore, this day is also an opportunity for Albanians to remember and pay homage to their national heroes who fought for their country’s independence. It is a day of national unity and reflection on the journey that Albania has taken from an oppressed colony to a sovereign nation. It marks not only the political emancipation from the Ottoman Empire, but also underscores the cultural, social, and economic autonomy that has shaped Albania throughout its history.