Saint Teresa Canonisation Day is a significant holiday in Albania, primarily within the Christian community. The day commemorates the canonisation of Mother Teresa, a Catholic nun and missionary who was born in Skopje, then part of the Ottoman Empire (now North Macedonia) but ethnically Albanian. Celebrated on September 4th, the day is marked with several traditional and religious activities nationwide as believers honor the life and works of Saint Teresa, who was known for her selfless service to the poor and needy.

This religious holiday gained a special prominence in Albania following Mother Teresa's canonisation by Pope Francis on September 4, 2016. That event became a unique chapter in the Albanian history because Mother Teresa, born as Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, represents pride and inspiration not only for Albania but for the entire world. Saint Teresa is seen as a symbol of peace, compassion, and humility, values that Albanians cherish and try to incorporate within their own lives.

Saint Teresa Canonisation Day in Albania is often celebrated with various events including Holy masses, processions, special prayers, and charity actions. Schools and institutions are usually closed on this day, allowing Albanians to participate in the festivities fully. The day offers a moment for Albanians to remember and promote the values of charity, tolerance, and kindness that Saint Teresa stood for. It's a day of reflection and recognition of the sacrifices that Saint Teresa made in her lifetime for the wellbeing and uplifting of humanity.