Good Friday is a significant cultural and religious holiday in Zimbabwe, a country located in Southern Africa. This holiday is part of the Holy Week, a period that commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary, and it is observed on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday. As a predominantly Christian country, the majority of Zimbabweans celebrate Good Friday with much reverence and devotion, marking it as a day of prayer, fasting, and religious observances.

During Good Friday, churches in Zimbabwe conduct services that traditionally involve readings from the Gospels about the passion of Christ. Some congregations enact symbolic representations or Passion Plays. Special masses in the evening are usually sober and solemn, featuring hymns with a theme focused on the death of Jesus. Throughout the day, most broadcast and digital media platforms are characterized by religious programs and messages centered on the theme of Christ's crucifixion.

In addition to religious observances, Good Friday in Zimbabwe is also a public holiday and forms part of a long holiday weekend, allowing families to gather together. It is common for families to use this time to visit their rural homes, cultural events, music concerts, or take part in other social activities. Despite the somber tone of the day, coming together for meals is another common tradition. Fish is typically eaten on this day as a form of observance of the Lenten season, which traditionally sees Christians abstaining from meat on Good Friday.

Upcoming Good Friday holidays in Zimbabwe

Good Friday 2026

10 Apr 2026