Independence Day in Liberia, celebrated annually on July 26, is the National Day of Liberia. The country gained its independence back in 1847, making it Africa's first modern republic. It marks the day when freed American and Caribbean slaves declared the independence of the Republic of Liberia. This historic day is associated with national pride as it pays homage to the country's resilience and rich history.

Due to the significance of this day for Liberia, it is a public holiday and features a number of events and activities throughout the country. It is an occasion for Liberians to express their patriotism and love for their country. Parades, concerts, and other patriotic events are held, featuring speeches, music, and dance. The streets are filled with crowds donning the national colors and celebrating with joy and cheer.

The Liberian President often addresses the nation on Independence Day, recounting the country's past, envisaging its future, and outlining plans for national development. Schools and other public institutions participate in the independence day activities, showcasing the symbolic flag ceremony. In the evening, the whole country comes alive with fireworks illuminating the night sky. Independence Day in Liberia is not just a holiday; it's also a celebration of the strength, courage, and determination of its people, who have maintained their sovereignty despite numerous challenges.