Independence Day, commemorated annually on May 14 and 15, marks one of the most iconic and pivotal moments in Paraguay's history. This public holiday celebrates the day in 1811 when Paraguay declared its hard-won independence from Spanish rule, following a bloodless revolution led by a group of patriots. Alongside receiving their national freedom and autonomy, it sparked a sense of deep-rooted national pride and identity among Paraguayans, which they honour each year with great fervor and enthusiasm.

Independence Day in Paraguay witnesses a fiesta of national festivities and celebrations. People deck their homes and the streets with the national flag's tricolor of red, white, and blue, portraying their patriotic spirit. The country erupts into vibrant parades, fireworks, music, and dance, reflecting its rich cultural heritage. Major cities like Asuncion witness grand military displays and processions. This also includes traditional food festivals, where local food and drinks such as Sopa Paraguaya and Paraguayan soup are showcased.

Apart from the gala celebrations, the day also calls for solemn remembrance of the freedom fighters who fought for the country's liberty. There are special church services and prayers dedicated to the revolutionary heroes. School and community events often involve children and adults sharing stories of the independence struggle, reflecting on past triumphs, and looking towards a future of progress and prosperity. Despite the festive atmosphere, Independence Day is primarily a time for Paraguayans to reflect on their country's sovereignty and honor the spirit of those who fought for it.