J.J. Roberts' Birthday is a national holiday in Liberia, held annually on March 15. This special day honors the memory of Joseph Jenkins Roberts, the first and seventh president of Liberia, who was born on this day in 1809. As the first president of an independent Liberian state, J.J. Roberts holds an important legacy in the nation's history, and his birthday serves as a day to reflect upon the foundations of the Liberian state and its progress over the years.

Joseph Jenkins Roberts was an instrumental figure in the formation of Liberia. This former American slave moved to Liberia in 1829 as a part of the American Colonization Society's efforts, which aimed at resettling free African-American slaves in West Africa. He succeeded in establishing Liberia as an independent republic in 1848 under his leadership, becoming its first black president and serving from 1848 to 1856, and again from 1872-1876.

On J.J. Roberts' Birthday, various festivities take place across the country. As a national holiday, schools and most businesses remain closed. A number of formal, state-held ceremonies are organized, including speeches and parades, celebrating the life and achievements of the man who played such a crucial role in establishing Liberia's sovereignty. The day is marked by a spirit of nationalism and pride and enables Liberians to remember their national identity and history.