Labor Day, also known as International Workers' Day or May Day, is a national holiday in Romania observed on the 1st of May each year. This significant day in Romania where the country honor and commemorates all workers and the labor movement, both historically and in the present day. The roots of May Day run deep in the history of the struggle for workers' rights, with associations with the Haymarket Affair in Chicago (1886).

The celebrations are twofold. While it is a day where workers' rights and social justice are brought to focus through various marches and gatherings, it is also embraced as a day of leisure and recreation. People flock to parks and resorts for picnics and barbecues. Traditionally, it marks the unofficial start of spring, with the blossoming of the 'Muguet', or Lily of the Valley, being a heralding symbol.

In recent years, Romania has seen massive gatherings and public demonstrations on May Day, showcasing the strength and willpower of the working class. However, the festive part of the holiday has always been important, with various concerts, parties, traditional fair and recreational activities enchanting locals and tourists alike. It is a day where the significant role of the working class is recognized, celebrated, and given its due respect, intertwined with social gatherings and merriment.