Labor Day, also known as International Workers' Day, is widely celebrated in Ukraine on the 1st of May. It is a public holiday that originated from the labor union movement, specifically the eight-hour day movement, which supports eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest. Labor Day is characterized by parades, gatherings, and festivities intended to honor workers for their contributions to the nation and society.

The celebration of Labor Day in Ukraine dates back to Soviet times when it was one of the main holidays of the year. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Labor Day has remained a public holiday in Ukraine. Today, it often involves political demonstrations where labor unions show their power and discuss workers' rights. It is used as a platform to highlight the importance of labor laws, and the role of workers in society.

On Labor Day, citizens across the country engage in a variety of activities. Some people take part in the parades and rallies, many others enjoy picnics or outdoor activities due to the holiday often marking the beginning of spring in Ukraine. Besides, many Ukrainians take the opportunity to relax and spend quality time with family and friends. Although Labor Day is marked with serious reflections on labor issues, it is also a day of rest and enjoyment for the hardworking citizens of Ukraine.

Upcoming Labor Day holidays in Ukraine

Labor Day 2026

01 May 2026

Labor Day 2027

01 May 2027