Labour Day, also referred to as International Workers' Day, is an annual public holiday in many countries, including Argentina. This holiday takes place on the 1st of May each year. The day is set aside to honor the labor movement and the social and economic achievements of workers. It commemorates the historic struggle of working people for fair and equitable treatment in the workplace, which is universal to all countries that celebrate this day.

In Argentina, it is known as 'Dia del Trabajador' and it is one of the most important national holidays. This day is marked with various events such as public speeches, parades, and demonstrations to show solidarity among workers and to draw attention to their rights. Many people enjoy the day off, spending time with family or participating in various culturally significant activities. It is an opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of workers to the prosperity, strength, and well-being of the country.

Labour Day in Argentina also highlights the struggles and advancements of the labor movements within the country. It is a day of both celebration and protest, as many use the day to vocalize ongoing concerns and issues within the workplace and labor market. Over the years, this day has been instrumental in bringing about changes and improvements in workers' rights, safety, and working conditions. The spirit of this holiday encourages citizens to remember this importance and the enduring fight for workers' rights.