Labour Day, known as 'Dia do Trabalho', is a national holiday in Brazil that is celebrated annually on the 1st of May. The day is dedicated to honoring the workers and their contributions towards the society. It is closely associated with the worldwide celebration of International Workers' Day. Labour Day in Brazil traces its origins back to 1891 when the country officially decided to join other countries in marking this special calendar event.

On this day, various public and private events are organized across the country to commemorate the achievements of the workforce. Parades, concerts, and other cultural events are typically staged, especially in larger cities like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. It is a day for Brazilians to come together in solidarity with workers and labour rights activists, reflecting on the importance of social and economic achievements of the workforce.

However, it's not all about the labour movement. The holiday is also a time for relaxation and family gatherings. Many Brazilians use the day off to have barbeque parties, go to the beach or simply rest. Just like in many other countries, Labour Day in Brazil also serves as a reminder of the ongoing fight for workers' rights and the importance of fair working conditions.