Labour Day, also known as International Workers' Day, is a public holiday celebrated across the world including Burundi. In Burundi, Labour Day is observed on May 1st each year. The holiday is dedicated to honor the laborers and the working classes. It is an occasion marked with various activities to appreciate and highlight the unwavering dedication and hardwork of the workers for the socio-economic advancement of the country.

The celebration of Labour Day in Burundi is typically organized by trade unions and workers' groups. Various rallies, speeches and parades are held that showcases the works of the workforce of Burundi. In addition, it is also a day for workers to voice out their concerns and push for improved working conditions, higher wages and job security. The government also takes this day to recognize significant contributions of workers to the nation’s economy.

Despite being a day off for most people in Burundi, Labour Day is not just about relaxation. It’s a day of unity where workers come together to improve the standards of labor throughout the country. Moreover, it is a day of reflection on the historical struggles and gains made by workers and trade unions. As the country continues to develop, the recognition and celebration of Labour Day underline the importance of the nation's workforce, reminding everyone that their hard work is a major driver for the country's progress.