Labour Day, known as 'Día Internacional de los Trabajadores' in Costa Rica, is a national holiday celebrated on May 1st annually. It is a day dedicated to honoring the contributions and achievements of workers throughout the country. The holiday has deep roots in the labor rights movement, specifically the eight-hour workday campaign. It is also seen as a day of solidarity among workers around the world.

On this day, numerous events are organized throughout the country. These include rallies, parades, and speeches from labor leaders and politicians. Many Costa Ricans use this day as an opportunity to enjoy a long weekend with friends and family since the day is observed as a public holiday. Schools, banks, and most businesses remain closed, allowing everyone to participate in the festivities and to rest from work.

Despite being a day of leisure and celebration, Labour Day is also a platform for workers to rally for their rights. Demonstrations and protests are common, as workers use the holiday to call for improved working conditions, increased wages, and other labor-related issues. This elevates the holiday beyond just a celebratory event, making it a meaningful observance that signifies the ongoing struggle for workers' rights, thus holding immense significance for the people of Costa Rica.