Labour Day, also known as Worker's Day or International Workers' Day, is a major national holiday in the Commonwealth nation of Dominica. Celebrated annually on the first day of May, the holiday is a commemoration of the labor movement and honors the social and economic achievements of Dominican workers. It's a day when the workers of the country voice their demands and fight for their rights.

Labour Day holds significant importance in Dominica as it is one of the few countries that has a political party named after the labor movement - the Dominica Labour Party. The history of Labour Day in Dominica is marked by protests, marches and celebrations, reflecting on the power of the workers' influence. The day also gives due credit to the labor movement for their contribution in transforming Dominica's labor laws and improving workers' conditions.

In Dominica, Labour Day is marked with formal ceremonies, vibrant parades, and festive parties. Streets are filled with locals and tourists engaging in street carnivals and parades. Not only is Labour Day an opportunity to acknowledge and reward the dedication and hard work of the Dominican working class but it also serves as a potent reminder of the need for continued struggle for workers' rights and fair working conditions. It symbolizes how united and committed workers can achieve significant milestones in terms of rights and benefits.