Labour Day, also known as International Workers' Day, is a public holiday in Guatemala celebrated on 1st May. This day pays tribute to the working class of the country, acknowledging their contributions and sacrifices in shaping the nation. Labour Day provides an opportunity for workers to unite, celebrate their achievements, and voice their concerns regarding labor rights and working conditions.

On International Workers' Day, workers in Guatemala often take to the streets to march and hold rallies. The demonstrations are a way for the workers to assert their rights and demand better pay, safer working conditions, and fairer treatment from their employers. These peaceful protests highlight the importance of laborers to the country's economy and helps bring attention to labors issues that need to be addressed.

In addition to the protests, Labour Day in Guatemala is also a day of reflection and relaxation for many workers. Many spend the day off from work with their family and friends, often participating in outdoor activities or attending community events. Businesses, schools, and government offices are usually closed, making Labor Day an important day for families to come together and celebrate their hard work and achievements.