Labour Day, also known as International Workers Day or Dia Del Trabajo, is a significant holiday in Mexico, celebrated annually on May 1st. This holiday is dedicated to those employed across the country and is seen as an opportunity to shine a light on workers' rights and labour laws. Several rallies and parades are held, particularly by labour and trade unions, to voice concerns or demands related to fair wages, healthy working conditions, and other essential labour needs.

Although Labour Day is celebrated worldwide, each country has its unique traditions related to the workers' movement. In Mexico, this day is marked by massive demonstrations in major cities like Mexico City and Guadalajara. Workers take to the streets to march and the event often points out social injustices and labor issues still occurring. It is a time for Mexican workers to stand up for their rights and march in solidarity with their fellow workers.

This holiday is also seen as an opportunity for the government and organizations to reflect on and address the needs and concerns raised by workers and trade unions. The government often uses Labour Day to promulgate new employment laws or make important announcements pertaining to the labor sector. In essence, Labour Day in Mexico offers workers a platform to voice their concerns and demonstrate their indispensable role in the country's socioeconomic development.