Labour Day, also known as International Workers' Day or May Day, is an annual holiday celebrated in Senegal on the first day of the month of May. This day is dedicated to honoring the contributions of workers and the strides made by various labour movements in establishing the rights of the working class. It is a public holiday in Senegal and many other countries around the globe, which signifies a day of rest for workers.

The origins of Labour Day date back to the late 19th century, when labour movements arose during the Industrial Revolution advocating for better working conditions, fair wages, and limited working hours. In Senegal, the influence of French labour laws due to its colonial history played a significant role in establishing Labour Day as a recognized holiday. Today, Labour Day celebrations in Senegal often involve rallies and parades, featuring speeches by workers' representatives and social activists emphasizing the importance of labour rights.

Despite the traditions and celebrations, Labour Day in Senegal also offers an opportunity for the community to draw attention to ongoing labour issues or areas where improvements are needed. This can include issues such as workplace safety, fair compensation, and ensuring the rights of various marginalized worker groups are upheld. Therefore, while Labour Day is a time for celebration, it also serves as a reminder of the continued struggle for workers' rights and the importance of the labour movement.

Upcoming Labour Day holidays in Senegal

Labour Day 2026

01 May 2026

Labour Day 2027

01 May 2027