Maundy Thursday, known as 'Jueves Santo' in Costa Rica, is a significant holiday that carries great importance to the nation's predominantly Catholic population. It is a part of the country's Holy Week or 'Semana Santa' festivities, which is a week-long celebration leading up to Easter. On this day, Costa Ricans commemorate the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles, a significant event in Christian history that occurred before Jesus's crucifixion. It happens on the Thursday before Easter Sunday and is deemed a national holiday.

Costa Ricans observe Maundy Thursday with various religious and cultural practices. Most of the activities are centered around the church to commemorate Jesus' Last Supper, which includes mass and processions. The most popular tradition is the 'washing of feet' ceremony performed by Catholic priests, imitating what Jesus did for his disciples. This ritual symbolizing humbleness and service to others is a key representation of the essence of Maundy Thursday.

On Maundy Thursday, all businesses, schools, and government offices are closed in Costa Rica. As a time of reflection and family gathering, Costa Ricans often choose to spend the day forming part of processions, preparing traditional meals, and prayer gatherings. Some also participate in 'Passion Plays,' a dramatic presentation depicting the Passion of Jesus Christ. Despite the spirituality and solemnity of the occasion, the day is often accompanied by a festive air, with people enjoying their time off work, delicious food, and community gatherings.