National Day, also known as Staatsfeiertag, is the primary national holiday of Liechtenstein. This momentous celebration takes place every year on August 15. The date symbolizes a union of two significant dates: the birthday of Prince Franz Josef II, who was born on August 16, 1906, and the Catholic Feast of the Assumption. The idea was to combine a religious celebration with a birthday commemoration that would result in a grand national festival.
The festivities begin in the morning with a ceremony in front of Vaduz Castle, the residence of the Prince of Liechtenstein. The event features speeches from the ruling Prince and the president of the parliament. Following the high-profile ceremony, there’s a reception in the garden of Vaduz Castle where the members of the royal family greet the citizens, originally a tradition started by Prince Franz Josef II.
As part of the colourful celebrations, the day features an array of activities for everyone to enjoy. These include music concerts, a funfair, sports competitions, and fireworks display in the evening. A highlight of the day is the community meals where principality residents of all ages gather together to dine and celebrate in unity. The National Day represents a very personal celebration that fosters great unity and pride among the residents of Liechtenstein.